Thursday, September 22, 2011

Who is my brother's keeper?

Dancing at Ramallah. Cool and quiet at the Jaffa Gate. Ongoing challenge in Gaza. The Hashemite identity tries to be strengthened in Amman, Kingdom of Jordan. In the meanwhile, the Israelis are driven to discussions, usual disputes and questions. In Hebrew, we discuss, we question, doubt, attack, debate. Israel is made of "ordinary and anonymous peoples" (Prof. Shved). Each individual expresses forcefully that the world belongs to every soul and is priceless.

The resurgence of the State of Israel procedes from a more or less accepted recognition of the Jewish entity in "Eretz Israel". It is the Land of Israel for Jews and for Christians. When King Herod died, Joseph was divinely inspired to return to "Eretz Israel": "Arise, take the child and his mother and go to the Land of Israel as those who wanted to take the life of the child died "(Matthew 2, 20).

True, Israel seeks safety above all. I personally was very close to 14 terror attacks, one of which could have killed me. Curiously, even in the most dangerous situations , there is a strong sense of security that has nothing to do with panic in the Israeli Jewish population. Fear constitutes a denial of reality about that aims at discouraging to visit Israel. There is a permanent state of war and still people do feel safe..

However, numerous Jewish people show how deeply anxious they felt during their childhood; they were afraid of living in the uncertainty of having to face new wars. The people of Ashkelon on the Mediterranean coast and so close to the Gaza Strip witness to this fear. Over 60 years, the inhabitants have been fueled by the Utopian dream, almost a schizophrenic foreign propaganda that "the invaders will come by sea, we will be thrown into the sea", etc.. "Yet "this lethal imprint" that is more suicide-like for the opposing party, developed into a revolving and reversed process by the extraordinary vital resources of Israel. Israeli society knows how to enjoy life, creation, growth and hope.

Indeed, the Arab inhabitants of Palestine have experienced negative stress. Significant changes at all levels of the city of Ramallah, in economy, social and cultural creativity and development should be note beyond the existence of the fencing wall. The municipality and the residents are definitely separated from the Jewish society. Nonetheless, they have chosen to jobbing and working ahead, thanks to the remarkable abilities of the Palestinian natives. This is quite similar and parallel to Israeli creating fertility. The strength of Ramallah also relies upon subtle relationships that unite Jews and Arabs. There is a kind of "underground" or "veiled" connectedness between the two peoples and it maybe rather difficult for foreigner to get to this point. At first glance, they would look like born to excluding each other. The teachings and Palestinian media and school books continue to freely draining the gall of irrational anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli agressivity and hatred. At the present, many Arabs would not agree with such attitudes. There is much irrationality on all sides concerned.

Right now, there is a vote at the UN The Organization has changed. In 1947, the vote did not really aimed to recognizing a Jewish state. The goal was to proceed to a land partition Historically, the related territory had mainly been managed by the Western and Christian Powers. They had defeated the Ottoman (Muslim) legacy.

It did not cancel at all in the native Arabs' view the long and powerful spirit of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle-East.

By the time of the partition in 1947, nobody could really believe that the nascent state like Israel to become a reality de facto, de jure, to have an authentic human, cultural, economic, scientific, linguistic, artistic process of dynamics.

The area has been divided into two "bodies": the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and, on the other hand, a set of Jewish territories." Jordan got "valid" borders while Israel being the Jewish State had to make her way through "uncertain, temporary and occupied" land to build up the country. To date, none of the local Nations or Churches duly recognize the State of Israel within internationally accepted borders. The Vatican only recognizes the Jewish state with distant prudence. It seems that the border of Jordan are beyond dispute for the moment.

Subsequently, it appears that Israel took over territories that belong to the Biblical heritage in 1967. At the present it is quite a paradox that it may allow to envisioning the future recognition of a Palestinian state... in sooner or later. And who knows, maybe Jews and Arabs can live together in the near future. The story does not depend on daily series of scoops. This is a matter of time, duration and patience. We will have to check in two, three or four hundred years!

Israel pulled out of the Gaza Strip in compliance with the international agreements. The Jewish State considered that the territory is not part of the "heritage defined by theWritten and Oral Laws". Consequently, Israel has the possibility that would never be accepted by the neighboring Arab states to grant some piece of territories to a potential Palestinian Arab State. It is a huge paradox..Jordan has always rejected the Palestinians (Black September), as the neighboring countries.

Jews and Arabs are born to match, live and build together. This does not mean that others would be likely to cope with such a goal. The Palestinian Arabs are very talented. One day, together with the Israelis and as a part of a vast region they may put a final end point to the Ottoman Empire.

av Aleksandr (Winogradsky Frenkel)

September 22/09, 2011/5720 - Ellul 23, 5771 - Shawwal 23, 1432